Business solutions that reach your technical goals for cost, security, redundancy and availability help your company grow by not holding you back by legacy systems that are hard to support, have huge costs and provide diminishing business benefit.

Your employees should be able to get technical needs such as hardware and software upgrades, training tailored to your company needs in an extremely efficient time frame to keep employees engaged and exited about what is next. Giving them their technical options in a simplified and well communicated method allows them to have the best setup for their position and technical knowledge.

Preplanning and ongoing development keeps your company needs in the forefront which maximizes your employee contributions.

Examples of a summary/overview of a company plan that is decided upfront to maximize usage and functionality:

  • Engineering employees have a powerful laptop with dedicated graphics built for 3D Modeling with two 27-32″ 4K monitors.
  • Accounting/Finance employees have a small desktop with two 24″ monitors with 1920×1080 resolution.
  • conference rooms have both a TV and a Projector to reach different sized groups.
  • Executives have two 38″ 4K monitors and a TV on the for optimum planning.

Server uptime and stability is greatly improved by providing well defined infrastructure provisioning and configurations.

Business WIFI can easily be overbuilt with limited additional cost so the best coverage can keep all devices and employees functioning at top levels.

Normally you can throw out your ONPREM voice PBX and switch to a cloud system to lower costs and improve employee productivity.